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  • Ballylenon

    Ballylenon, County Donegal Pop.1,999 was founded by St Lenon of Padua, when he fell into the river at this spot in 953. Ballylenon is situated on the shores of Lough Swilly with entrancing views of Muckish Mountain, in the Diocese of Derry and Raphoe. In this society, there exists an uneasy balance of interests. Communication has all the appearances of power, and in Ballylenon, communication means the local Telephone Exchange and Post Office. Both these are firmly in the control of sisters, Vera and Muriel McConkey, who in cahoots with hotelier and funeral undertaker, Phonsie Doherty, would seek to rule the roost in Ballylenon.
    However, other forces have their own guiding principles, and where the McConkey sisters and Mr Doherty, aided by The Vindicator, would dominate reactionary thinking, a dangerous liberal tendency is championed by Vivienne and Rev. Samuel Hawthorne, and the somewhat unlikely, Guard Gallagher. The antagonism between these camps is only ever thinly veiled.

    Series 1
    01. The Courthouse. Trouble brews when the McConkey sisters & hotel owner Phonsie Doherty campaign to get the town's Georgian courthouse demolished.
    02. Gramophone Recital. Thwarted in their efforts to have the courthouse demol- ished, Phonsie & the McConkey sisters prepare for a war with the press. The highlight of the cultural week in Ballylenon is a 'gramophone record recital'. But is this the start of something big?
    03. The Election, The Exchange. Vera's value as an eavesdropper for Phonsie Doherty is threatened when Dublin informs her that her exchange must go automatic.
    04. Which Festival? The gloves are off in the battle to bring the opera festival to Kullycromper Hall.
    05. Cricket Match And Bed And Breakfast. Phonsie calls in a few favours from his friend Joe MacMonagle.
    06. The Festival. Phonsie discovers that he is not the only one in Ballylenon with political clout.

    Series 2
    01. Floodlit Courthouse.
    Divided over the proposed demolition of the court- house, the town's development association seems set for confrontation.
    02. Packy And Josie. Phonsie and his sidekick, columnist Stumpy Bonnar, do their best to keep young Josie from the clutches of Packy McGoldrick.
    03. The Moderator Visits. Rumour has spread that the Rev Samuel Hawthorne may be moving to a larger parish. With clergy rumours buzzing - Vera's extra busy in the telephone exchange.
    04. Rev Hawthorne Doesn't Go. Having heard that the Rev Hawthorne is leaving Ballylenon, telephone operator Vera McConkey tells the local newspaper. Vera tells the newspaper all the clergy latest, but there's disappointment.

    Series 3
    01. A Distinguished Arrival. The Highlight Of The Cultural Week In Ballylenon Is A 'gramophone Record Recital'.But Is This The Start of something big? It's time for the Tidy Village Competition, but the inevitable factions emerge.
    02. Sister Gabriel. A distinguished relative's arrival rings the alarm for Vera McConkey.
    03. Betty And The Broadcast. The BBC's plan to record a programme at the church causes some upset.
    04. Multiple Departures. An offer of employment for Rev Hawthorne raises Ms Boal's expectations.

    Series 4
    01. American Connections. The discovery that a ramshackle cottage may have belonged to the family of American president Hoover presents Phonsie with a major financial opportunity. But, as ever, Vivienne Hawthorne may prove a fly in the ointment.
    02. Gone And Not Going. The arrival of a distinguished relative sets Vera McConkey's alarm bells ringing. The death of Canon Friel has caused quite an upset among the faithful, especially Phonsie, who had expected the cleric to sell him an interesting property.
    03. Angling For The Cottage. While Phonsie wrestles to gain possession of a church property, rumours that the Hawthornes may not go to Scotland become a very real possibility.
    04. Tongues Wagging. Packy McGoldrick has long been a source of aggravation, but a phone call from Birmingham gives Phonsie the ammunition he needs.

    Series 5
    01. Phonsie's sale of the Hoover ancestral home is the cause of much speculation.
    02. Though Vivienne has found evidence that the Hoover ancestral home may have been left to their church and not to Father O'Flatley's, Samuel is fearful of any inflammatory disclosures.
    03. Phonsie and Muriel are desperate to complete renovations of the Hoover cottage before the arrival of an American delegation. Meanwhile, Stumpy fights to save his job at Lough Swilly Railway.
    04. Guard Gallagher moves into new lodgings, as the arguments rage over the cottage.
    05. Though guard Gallagher is in the county infirmary after being savaged by the Mcconkeys' dog, the wrangling over the Hoover cottage continues unabated.
    06. With the American delegation is determined to reveal the identity of the owner of the Hoover cottage, the denizens of Ballylenon brace themselves for the most extraordinary news.

    Series 6
    01. Phonsie's keen to reap the rewards from Guard Gallagher's New York singing trip.
    02. Phonsie looks forward to the rich profits Guard Gallacher's singing trip to New York will generate for Ballylenon and himself.But what new mania has overtaken Muriel?
    03. Guard Gallagher's song has been accepted by the Irish chapter of the New York police department social club for their song competition. But who will accompany him to Manhattan?
    04. Ballylenon awaits news of Guard Gallagher's performance in New York, and the Hawthornes fret about their declining congregation.
    05. Following Guard Gallagher's success in New York, Phonsie has lured back a woman tourist executive to promote the town. How will Muriel react?
    06. Do Muriel's visions bode prosperity and will the Hawthornes move on?

    Series 7
    01. When Muriel experiences a 'miraculous apparition' on pilgrimage to Lourdes, Phonsie Doherty is quick to seize on its business potential for Ballylenon.
    02. Customers to Miss Maconchy's shop have increased significantly since her 'vision' at Lourdes. But Mrs Vivienne Hawthorne wonders if the census that disclosed a fall in her congregation was tampered with.
    03. Vera, who runs the manual exchange, has 'overheard' a telephone conversation suggesting her franchise may be transferred to a new arrival in Ballylenon.
    04. Monsignor McFadden has declared that Miss McConkey's alleged 'vision' at Lourdes needs careful investigation, jeopardising Phonsie Doherty's plans for a festival of light.
    05. Bernard Gallagher has resigned from the police force to take up a singing career and, while lodging with the Maconchy sisters at the post office, makes a devastating discovery.
    06.Will the sisters be able to silence the question of exactly how long Councillor Maconchy has been dead?

    Series 8
    01. Guard Gallagher's unexpected return from America spells trouble for the McConkeys.
    02. Of Art And Apparitions. Muriel decides that an apparition may rekindle interest in things religious.
    03. More News Than Is Fit To Print. Closure of the railway station compels Stumpy to look for alternative employment.
    04. Agroturismo In Irlande. Phonsie urges Ballylenon to grab agritourism grants with both hands.
    05.Crime Fiction. A writer finds the denizens of Ballylenon ideal for a salacious work of fiction.
    06. The Threat Of Television. Television is coming to Ballylenon. For once, the Churches unite in moral outrage.


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